Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Interesting Days Post


I've had some interesting days and haven't posted about them on account of me being a terrible blogger. Hmmm how should I organize this? Bullet points? Bullet points.
  • So a few days ago, I was late to work (I'M SO SORRY LIZ!!!!) and as I was rushing out, I noticed that I had parked my car near the sprinklers. I stood there for a second and watched my car getting hit with water... and I thought to myself: "There's no way around it... I'm gonna get wet." So I ran as fast as I could to the driver's side door, opening it as quickly as possible, getting hit with water, and getting water on the inside of the car as well. As soon as I shut the door, the sound of water hitting the window stopped and the hiss of the sprinklers hissed no more. I laughed hysterically all the way to work.
  • On that same day, I went to go work out with my good friend James the Cop, and it was fun as always. Afterwards, I was starving and I was short on the cash so I thought I'd stop by Wendy's to go enjoy their awesome value menu. I got the works. 5 dollars worth of the works... And like a crazy hobo I started singing to myself all the way back home. I'll paraphrase what it was like: "oooohhhh, that smells awesome! Chicken Nuggets in my stomach! Worked out today, so it's okay! French Fries, Hamburger! Dave Thomas I love you! Wendy's, you're my new favorite fast food!" Ten Minutes Later "DAVE THOMAS YOU BETRAYED ME!!! I TAKE BACK THE NICE THINGS I SAID ABOUT YOU!" So basically, they forgot to bag a few things... like my hamburger. I called them back with the number on my receipt and they told me that they were chasing my car trying to get me to come back. I'm embarrassed to say... that I was probably singing, so I didn't notice. They took my name and told me that I could come back anytime to get my junior bacon cheese burger free of charge. lohl.
  • On a positive note, Liz told me that I was goin' to Vegas for sure and I did a little dance. Happy Birthday to ME! And THANK YOU LIZ!!!! SMILEY FACE! =]
  • On Friday, I was giving Liz a ride home and I got a text from Kellie, so I read it aloud:
    I don't know if you spoke to Bonnie, but I don't think that this Phil Noto thing is really for me. After further inspection, it's just pretty much a cock
    This is where Liz and I looked at each other with confused looks. What's "a cock"? Is that like some 1940s slang that we don't know about? bzzzzt ooo another text from Kellie:
    tail party where sketchbooks are frowned upon.
    lol! cock-TAIL party! It all makes sense now! And with that, a new catch phrase was born ("'s just pretty much a cock"--to be used to describe something lame), and Kellie learned that my phone has a limit to how many characters it can receive.
  • Bonnie's Movie Night, which I came super late to, was a lot of fun. We watched the credits to The Dark Knight and spotted one particularly unfortunate name... lemme see if I can find it for you...After seeing the name, we discussed how sad it must've been for Mr. Gooch to grow up with a name like... Gooch, and then we started making up fun stories about his life! Kellie thought that it could've been played off as a nickname. But I then re-enacted her thought: "yeah... they call me The Gooch... *wink*" and with that, it suddenly became this really creepy idea, and 'The Gooch' became my nickname for the night. lol, I found another funny name while I was combing the credits for Alan Gooch...hahaha... "They call me The Gooch... *wink* and this is my good friend, The Krochman (Pronounced Crotch Man)"
I think I'll end this post with that last bullet point. The Gooch and The Krochman... what a team. They should make a comic book together. =]

Good Night Blogspot.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I was cleaning my room today and finding my old action figures from the 90s...

And I suddenly felt like watching The Power Rangers Movie. It's totally on sale at Target for like 5 bucks. I think I'll go buy it tomorrow... or find it online. lohl... Power Rangers

Anyone wanna play Power Rangers? I know we're reviving kickball and everything, but we should totally revive playing The Power Rangers! We could get helmets and be legit!

I mean... what could be more fun than running around a field wearing helmets and screaming karate-- helmut? hahaha... I just realized how retarded this idea is.

Running around a field wearing helmets and screaming. ah Jesus... that would literally be a retarded idea of fun (ouch! I totally offended someone and I felt it).

I think I'll just stick to watching the movie...

...while wearing a helmet.

Anyway, I must go finish my Art Projects and stuff. I'll leave you with this gem I found on youtube. Anyone who watched the Power Rangers will appreciate this one...

"Bulk and Skull cry Wolf". (hahahaha! I love Trini's face in this [Trini = the Asian] because she's totally thinking: "crazy ass white people... ugh... this would never happen in China"


I should rename this post and title it the Incredibly Offensive Power Rangers Post... )

Good Night Blogspot.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It Feels Very Christmas-y Lately least to me it does.

I've had lots of reasons to smile big for the last few weeks.

Finding Deadpool comics in my box from Kellie was a big one (THANK YOU AGAIN KELLIE! I LOVE THEM!!!). Her note on my Venture Brothers dvds made me smile too (I'm glad you liked the show!!! I can't wait to reference the show now... and have you understand me!!! ...!!!!!!).

And today Terin made me smile, which he's been doing a lot lately because--if you guys didn't know already-- he's a funny guy! His humor wasn't what made me smile today though...

I brought you a surprise. It's on my desk. It's not a big deal though
Oh, I'll make it a big deal no matter what it is. I'm excited!
I think you'll like it.
*beep boop beep---b-beep! chk chk*
(that's our office door opening for people who don't know)
(grabs the box from his desk)
I brought you some of my old underwear.
Oh my God...
I'm not sure I wanna make a big deal out of this anymore.
I'm kidding. Here.

And I opened the box to find... all of his text books from his class on comic books that he took at CSUN. It was SO random, but it made me smile because we would talk about that class, and he would tell me about how ridiculous it was and how he thought I would like it. I'm really looking forward to reading these books after I finish the Deadpool comics. There's this one on the history of Batman that has some cool pictures in it. And... as Liz told me today, I have a goofy grin on my face. To me it's just my regular grin, but Liz was laughing when she saw me today and when I asked her why, she said it was my 'goofy grin'. =] I like that my happiness is contageous. Contageous to Liz at least.

Another thing that made me smile this week was of course THE IRON GIANT! I'm still recovering from how cool this movie is (I use the present tense because it's still a cool movie to me, and probably always will be!). It's aged so well! It was made in 1999, but if it was released now as a new movie... my head would still explode. I guess I'm trying to say that this movie made my head explode when I saw it a few days ago. I'm hyping it up a lot for people who haven't seen it, but I don't care-I wanna see it again!

So far I've gone into the happy times I've been having as of late, but not so much the actual Christmas-y times as my blog title dictates. I guess the best way to describe my sense of Christmas-ness in the air is... with a question mark. I really don't know. I just feel like it's Christmas this year. The music, the colors, just in general, I'm feeling it...

I was reading Bonnie's blog today, and "All I Want For Christmas" by Mariah Carey started playing. I normally turn off blog/myspace music because I'll have my iTunes up, but I stopped my Asian Banjo Music and listened to Bonnie's Christmas music for a while and left it on while I read some comic books. The funny thing about Christmas music is that I love it... but only during this time of year. It's the same with turkey for me. I only really eat turkey once a year (I don't count deli turkey as TURKEY turkey), and it's one of my favorite foods. Maybe it's the fact that I enjoy these things for a short time out of the year, which makes them that much better to me. Anyway, Mariah Carey can sing yo.

Speaking of Mariah Carey... Watch this video all the way through. TRUST me. When it gets to 2:45 and the song picks up..OMG. Just watch it and laugh. It's something fun from Korea.

Good Night Blogspot.

I... am so glad I found this...
I don't expect you to understand... but please try.
LOLLLL I feel embarrassed for this guy...
but he makes me laugh too much to care.

Ronnica was right Jennifer Park.

Iron Giant Post!

There's not much to post about this movie other than the fact that I loved it!
I mean... I always love Robot movies, but this Robot had a dent in his head, just like I do! AND he was voiced by Vin Diesel, just like I am! ...I'm just happy right now. And when I'm happy, I feel a little crazy. Who wants to watch the Iron Giant again with me???

lohl. Good Night Blogspot.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Response to Kellie's December 1st Blog

So I thought I'd play Kellie's iTunes game; the rules of which can be seen here. I pray that no embarrassing guilty pleasure music comes up during this shuffle of fate... but here goes:
  • Opening Credits: Happiness Is A Warm Gun - The Beatles (... My life soundtrack is off to a weird start)
  • Waking Up: Hey - The Pixies ("Hey! Must be a devil between us, or whores in my head, whores at my door, whores in my bed" ... I like that my waking up music has whores in it)
  • First Day At School: Live A Little - Gym Class Heroes (Guilty pleasure, but really... it's a catchy ass song. Don't you judge me! 0_0)
  • Falling In Love: Wake Up - Rage Against The Machine (lol... the songs were matching up somewhat up until this point. I guess I'll be falling in love with someone who really likes The Matrix movies? For real though, this song is tight, for sheezy)
  • Fight Song: I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys (oh dear Lord... "bang buhbuh bang go--- I bet that you look good on the dancefloor" My fight scene sounds like it's gonna be pretty gay. I hope we're break dance fighting... not that that would be much better.)
  • Breaking Up: Lockdown - Fugazi (lolll, I love Fugazi, but the dude sounds drunk as hell all the time. Very appropriate for a break up song I suppose. Well played iTunes shuffle... well played.)
  • Prom: Bad Mouth - Fugazi (I hate it when my shuffle does this. And after I said "Well Played iTunes shuffle" I get Fugazi again, so looks like I'm gonna have some slurred speech and conflict at my prom. Kinda accurate...)
  • Life: Little Busters (Reply) - The Pillows (aww... I love The Pillows! And this version of Little Busters is very cloudy and psychedelic. Don't know what that says about my Life theme)
  • Mental Breakdown: Strike A Blow - Street Dogs (Once again, the song doesn't quite fit the category, but I love the Street Dogs. The lead singer gave me a free poster at one of their shows, and I took it into the pit while they were playing... and let's just say that it was one of the best ideas I ever had. The poster got destroyed, and after the show, they gave me another one. I now have both posters on my wall. They're neat.)
  • Driving: Mine's Not A High Horse - The Shins (I like driving to The Shins. Don't know what else to put here.)
  • Flashback: Fame - David Bowie (I have funky guitar bowchikka-wows in my Flashback. lol, nice.)
  • Getting back together: Equally Damaged - Blonde Redhead (40 second track that begins with sad woodwind instrumentals... and ends with a spasm of high pitched noises... Getting back together is always a little awkward I suppose)
  • Wedding: Royally Fucked - Mindless Self Indulgence ("one, two, one, two, Fall on my knees! I will never be young! I will never be loved... so I am royally fucked!" lol, maybe I marry that French woman Jacqueline, Kellie.
  • Birth of Child: Take It Off (Dim The Lights) - Pharrell Williams (The birth of my child... sounds disturbingly sexy. Omg... if you can find this song on youtube or something... during a pregnancy, this song would be SO inappropriate.)
  • Final Battle: Hello Goodbye - The Beatles (The Beatles again, with a very upbeat final battle song. I hope the next one isn't upbeat... )
  • Death Scene: Stash - Phish (My favorite song by Phish... *shrugs* I'd be cool with dying to this)
  • Funeral Song: I Invented The Night - Electric Six (lol, my Funeral song is gonna be groovy.)
  • End Credits: Kenny's Dead - Master P (A song from the 'Chef Aid' South Park soundtrack... Is this my movie soundtrack or Kenny's? iTunes shuffle... you're fired from my movie)
=] So that was fun.

I gotta go now, but I'll be back soon! Good Bye For Now Blogspot!

Postscript: I just finished watching The Iron Giant... and shame on me for not watching it until now. That movie was amazing! Vin Diesel's best movie for sure. I don't feel like drawing anything right now (normally I would...), but I'll steal something off of deviantart...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Leftovers

I don't know when I'll grow tired of eating turkey leftovers, but it isn't going to be any time soon... because I am poor.

So Black Friday wasn't too bad. I did some shopping for m' self as well. And as always, shopping for myself = shopping for useless things. I stopped by the Golden Apple in Hollywood and met Gerard Way (of My Chemical Romance/writer of The Umbrella Academy). I gave him my yearbook to sign and some issues of The Umbrella Academy. He drew some horns and a mustache on my old Chemistry teacher's face. It was excellent. I was never a HUGE fan of his music, but I have to admit, that he was super nice and very easy to talk to.
Also very pale.

Girl in line behind us: OMYGOD HE'S SO PALE IN PERSON!
Me: (... in person?)

Overall it was an interesting day.
  • Came to work on time (woot woot)
  • Ran into the ex (awkward...)
  • Drove to LA to shop for some comics (Uncanny X-men #216 = wrong Kellie! I totally should've made a bet with you with some metaphorical cash like I was going to. Buuuuut you don't gamble.)
  • Shook the hand of the lead singer of My Chemical Romance and he signed My Chemistry Teacher's face. (HA! It's funny because--HAAA!!HAHAHAAAA.. ooohhh.....)
  • Sim sim Salabim? (this did not happen today.)
  • Response to Kaitlin's Magic blogpost:

  • Sports Night = New favorite show. (Thank You David)
  • I want someone to sing Mars, The Bringer of War with me!:

  • And Lastly... Bill Shatner is the lohl. (Thank You Kellie)

Good Night Blogspot.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Post 2008

So I enjoyed lots of turkey, family, etc today...
and right now... it is no longer Thanksgiving!
My goodness-- let me do something real quick...

So I just renamed this post from The Thanksgiving Post to what you see now... and yes!
BLACK FRIDAY IS FINALLY HERE WITH A ... not quite a bang... maybe a poot?

I browsed through some of the electronics deals for this year's Black Friday, and I have to say... that my jaw stayed attached to my skull. I have a few friends who are, as I am typing this, camping out in front of a Target somewhere to get an HD TV...

Peter, Godspeed.

But I'm not too pumped about this year's Black Friday =/. It's my first Black Friday with a car and I feel kinda gypped. I totally had to re-type 'gypped' to get rid of the red squiggly line. Now I know for sure that it is spelled with a g... This is good to know...

ehem... SO!--

My good friend Davis who apparently started reading my blog a few days ago (FINALLY, YOU BASTARD... who didn't know about my blog until a few days ago... I'm sorry for yelling at you... I didn't mean it) is leaving for Arizona tonight. You're probably driving there right now Davis! What a crazy thought. Don't know what else to post about your leaving, other than I'm totally gonna miss you a lot. No more one hour donuts or random days.... MAYBE. Like I told you, I'm totally making plans to drive over there with a gang of people. It's happening yo. Not anytime soon, but it's happening. We'll let you get settled in first. I'll be looking for the pictures of your new living situation in your facebook. sushi robot (lohl). Moving on! =]

I am working on this wonderful Black Friday... at NINE O' CLOCK for sure! I've set my alarm, my stomach feels... okay-ish, and I'm definitely good to work! So I have that to look forward to. Honest to God, there was no sarcasm in that sentence. I really am looking forward to working again. I feel like I haven't worked in ages. So with that being said, I am off! I will return to post more, but for now:


and Good Night Blogspot.

Postscript: I am thankful for these guys.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

God Damn You Colonel Sanders!

So I had KFC for dinner last night and I paid dearly for it.

It's funny to think about now, but I was actually lying in bed, in pain, thinking: "God damn you Colonel Sanders! I hope you're in HELL right now!" with a serious hate for the man who created this chicken that got me sick. And yes, I got sick from eating the Colonel's original recipe for POISON!

So after a few failed attempts at sleeping the pain off (I kept waking up because it felt like there was a chicken made of grenade shrapnel in my stomach) I threw up twice.

I'll never know what it was like for you Kellie when you threw up all those times and still felt like crap. I like to think that this was pretty close... but I don't even know.
And you don't even know. (lohl)

I also felt really bad because I had to miss work, and I didn't want to disappoint Liz. I'll make it up to her somehow.

As I told Preston later that morning, I couldn't go to sleep because of the pain. At 5 AM I was still awake and feeling like I was going to die (dramatic yes, but I was delirious. I kept telling myself how funny it would be to die from eating fried chicken. Can you imagine? How did Robert die? ... He ate some chicken? =/ aww that's a shame. He never finished that poo story he was writing). So where was I? ... that bit in the parenthesis ran a little long.

So at 5 AM I was still not asleep and my brother was leaving the house to go to Volleyball practice (Which he does almost every day at 5 AM). Now I don't remember when I finally fell asleep, but I did... for less than 3 hours. I woke up... it was 8 AM and the first thing I did was call Borders. I wanted Liz to pick up, but Preston answered and I told him what was up, and I think I told him that I got poisoned by Colonel Sanders. I was still very delirious. It's funny because I remember his concern and he asked me which KFC I went to.

And now it's 1:08AM on the 26th of November. I still feel sharp pains in my lower abdomen. I think it's my appendix. My parents wanted me to go to a doctor, but I kinda don't want to see a doctor ever again.

I totally called it Bonnie! I told you I was going to have my worst day that Monday. It started with me showing up an HOUR late to work with an embarrassing excuse (Didn't check my schedule until it was too late to realize that I was supposed to be in at 8...), I also realized on my drive to work that I missed my credit card payment deadline by 2 days! Work wasn't too bad, but I did miss the first hour and 20 minutes... sigh. I told myself and Liz NEVER AGAIN! But what happened that night? I got sick... Before getting sick, I had a terrible time in art class. I apparently bought the wrong colored pencils and my lobster drawing was incomplete. I didn't eat anything all day so after class, I stopped by the KFC near my house and bleh....

In conclusion, my worst day... wasn't THAT bad. I hate missing work, I hate disappointing people, I hate feeling sick, but I also feel ashamed when I complain about how bad things are going. In the end, we're all so lucky to live the lives we live. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm finally able to walk without looking like an old man (woot woot). I'll be able to work on Black Friday. Thanksgiving is coming up, and I'll be able to eat some delicious food that won't get me sick. God Damn you Colonel Sanders! And... Good Night blogspot! =]

I think I'll end with this picture I drew when I was feeling a little better.

Note: I didn't actually have diarrhea, but diarrhea is a much funnier punchline, yeah?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Disappointing Post

So much to post...
Let's start with the most recent stuff and move backwards...

Deadpool has become my favorite comic book character.

A few of my favorite artists are apparently douchebags (*shrug*)

There was another fire. (Scary... especially for my grandma)

Kickball = Fun! (The Harry-Potter-Mountain-Goats are goin' all the way this year!)

I voted for the first time and felt very patriotic, wore a shirt with red white & blue, and I got a free cupcake!
I decided to call this the Disappointing Post because I will not go into detail on anything listed above. At least not right now... for it is late and I must work in the morning... . I decided that I really should start blogging more. =[ My scanner is broken. So none of my artwork done on actual paper is going to be posted. poo poo. doody ca ca--

Good Night Blogspot.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I'm "poorly" (as Alix would say...), and so far, this has been an eventful, sick week!

Cousin and I made plans to go to Disneyland on Friday after work with Kellie and Bonnie! =[ Kaitlin was M.I.A. On Friday morning, I woke up with the sickness! dun dun dunn.... but decided that I wouldn't bail on going to the happiest place on earth just because I had a bit of the sniffles.

So I was looking forward to Disneyland all that week, woke up that friday with a: "NOOO!!! I'M SICK!!!", then realized I didn't give a poop. I wanted Dole-Whip!

I had a fever... and the only prescription--
was delicious frozen pineapple treats and staying up until 3AM.

... I would later discover that prescription to be a bad idea. My cold got worse the next day.
Bearable, but worse.

To sum up Disneyland on Friday:
Tan Bananas-Do you need help walking to your car?? 0_0-inward queef-*incoherent grunt*

Moving on to Saturday... Queen Mary Day!
Another day I was very much looking forward to. Thank you Eddy for planning it.

I didn't get as much sleep as I would've liked (Disneylannddd!!!), but I didn't feel too tired. During my lunch break, I got my car washed at Cruisers and had a bear claw with some orange juice while I waited. I called up Jen-O, who I haven't talked to in forever! She was busy with midterms, but it was fun to bother her.

After work, it was time for the Queen Mary! We all met up at Eddy's (Eddy, Mary, Davis, Peter, Daniel, Irene, Ray, Eunice, Hana, and Myself) and then car pooled over to Long Beach. The final conclusion on the Queen Mary Mazes: Next year we can totally save money and just have Davis and Peter jump out from dark corners and it'd be the same thing.
Overall, the night was a lot of fun. I tested out my "dance" at the Queen Mary, and the girls went crazy for it. They literally screamed... and ran away. lol, it was a lot of fun. The girl's didn't actually run away.

Irene: "it was funny... they like accepted you and danced with you"

Eddy, I'm telling you right now... My dance is gonna take off and spread to all the clubs. Just you wait and see!

Highlight of the night (for me): Hana running into a wall. HAHA! I'm such a crappy date. Thank you Hana for bailing on your school work to go with us. I'll make it up to you some day.

So after the Queen Mary shenanigans, we all decided to eat at "Hodori". It was... okay for a Korean restaurant, pretty awesome for a 24 hour one. I was starving. The only food I had was a bear claw, a Madeleine cookie, and the most hilarious churro I've ever had (it tasted like straight up garbage).

After enjoying some assorted vegetables and meats in a stone pot, we dropped off the very tired Hana, and then Karaoke-ed. This did not help my throat or my sickness at all. I'm starting to like my ugly sickness voice, but ugh. Karaoke, was... *scratches head* I don't remember much of it. I sang a Michael Buble song?

Oh dear Lord! It is getting late... I should really wrap this up. This post has been very... detailed? I usually don't pack in so much information. Perhaps it's the sickness. I feel like I'm going to die, so I need to let people know my story... hahahaha... I'm so gross right now.

I think I'll close with this video that Mikey sent me. It reminded me that I have a lot of homework to do for this election coming up. I haven't opened up any of the material they sent me. I should really get on that.

Good Night Blogspot!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

LOL Post!

This is going to be a very lazy post...
of videos that make me laugh.

"gahh, I tripped!"

I have a picture of this on my phone. It was my background for one month.

If you've seen Hook. This = bangarang

From the same guy who did the first video... well done, no?
If you said no then... I shrug at you and do this face? =/

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

I used to play this game. We called it crossfire!
See more funny videos at Funny or Die

this one is kinda long, but just watch it. If you haven't seen Teen Wolf before,
go rent Teen Wolf, and then watch this video.

This has been a lazy post, yeah?

Good Night Blogspot!

Friday, October 17, 2008


The fire was really close to my house and I had to evacuate.

Here's an approximate breakdown of what happened:

9:00 AM
I woke up, brushed my teeth, and had a bowl of cereal while I read some comics.

11:00 AM
Watched some SuperJail! and ate another bowl of cereal.

1:00 PM
Decided to take a shower and not be a hobo.

2:00 PM
Finally got ready to take that shower.
2:05 PM
In the shower

2:10 PM
Smell smoke and see ash coming out of the window in the bathroom while in the shower.

2:11 PM

2:12 PM
"Oh my god... look at all that smoke!

Grandma: "..we should pack some clothes"

"Forget the clothes! we need to get out of here! Maybe take some pictures!
(I stub my toe on a luggage bag she put in the middle of the hallway.
I continue to kick the luggage bag out of my way.)

2:15 PM I get a call from my mom.
Mom: Robert... did you hear anything about a fire?
Me: I can see it from here and the smoke is really bad.
Mom: Grandma must be so scared...
Me: She won't stop packing your clothes!

2:30 PM
My parents arrive. I've packed all the pictures and irreplaceable items in my car.
My grandma's packed a gang of clothes that take up half of my backseat.
My parents grab some important papers that I missed and get ready to leave.
The wind blows more smoke and ash towards my street
and it's almost impossible to see anything.

2:35 PM
As I'm driving out, I see my neighbor smoking a cigarette in his driveway.
I should've taken a picture.
I receive a few text messages and calls from friends (Daniel Choe!) who heard about the fires
and knew that I lived nearby.
I feel very loved.

2:40 PM
I stop by Borders to drop off Cousin Jason's phone that he left in my car two days prior.
I smell like smoke. Preston smells my jacket and makes a face.

2:50 PM
I meet up with the rest of my family who're at Denny's.
We have pancakes.

2:30 PM
I get a call from Kellie and she tells me that she and Liz were worried about me.
I feel loved again.

2:35 PM
James Whang calls me and tells me about how he couldn't go into work because he had to be a good grandson and not leave his 80 year old grandma in her home by herself while there was a fire burning only a few miles away.
I laugh at the thought of my friend carrying his 80 year old grandma out of a burning house.
I knock on wood.

2:45 PM
I drive all the way to El Camino High to drop off my art project...
It takes me one hour.
Class is canceled.

3:45 PM
I realize that Heroes Night would have to be canceled that night as well.
I drive back to James's house to watch the news and some sports.

7:00 PM
James and I 're hungry so we decide to go eat some all you can eat sushi.
It's delicious and the restaurant is empty (probably due to the fires)
The sushi chefs are drunk and bored so we get some awesome service,
and some awkward conversations.

8:45 PM
I decide to drive back home.
I hear that there's a secret route back into my community that isn't blocked off.
I call all my Heroes Party people and tell them that it's back on.

9:00 PM
They arrive at my gate and find out that they aren't letting guests in at this time.

9:10 PM
We regroup at the 711 and I try a Pineapple Monster for the first time.
It's amazing.

9:30 PM
I get back home, decide to catch Heroes online, and try to go to bed.

11:00 PM
With the sirens and helicopters going around outside, I can't really sleep.
I tidy up my room a bit. It's a complete mess.

11:30 PM
My dad is still awake, watching the news.
He doesn't go to bed. He stays awake and goes outside every once in a while to see how bad the fires are behind our house.

I'm knocked out with all my clothes on in my room. And the fires have pretty much passed.

And that's about it...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Disneyland Post!

Let' s just say... that I can't wait to go again!
I didn't take any pictures, but Kellie did and you can see them here

And I have to agree with Kellie. Kaitlin did a great job summing it up. gg. xoxo gg.

Some of my favorite quotes from the night:

"It's a chicken that tastes like ham!"
- little girl talking about her $7 turkey leg

"ahhh! a SPOT! unacceptable!! (points at the spot)"
- Kellie, on Soarin' Over California

- Everybody

- Kaitlyn

- Everybody

"Clive Owen with a nose hair..."
- Kellie

-Kellie, in response to something I said that was incoherent.



They should bring back Captain EO
and release it on dvd...
it would make so much money.

That's such an awesome idea...
And they can have it come with 3D glasses.
It would make a million dollars!

Yes it would. Exactly one million dollars.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

lol "Koreans are so cool!"

A customer at work told me that after they found out I was Korean.
The conversation went something like this:

"Omg, where did you get your glasses?"
"From ... my optometrist? I don't remember"
"What brand are they?"
"uhh...pffhh... oh snap, Versace!"
"wow... I really like your glasses"
"You should see my cousins' from Korea. They're huge!
--Their glasses are huge. My cousins are normal size."

"oh wow, you're Korean? You don't look Korean. Koreans are so cool!"
"...Thank you!"

A little awkward near the end, but hell, I'll take the compliment.
Also, Koreans are kinda cool. I think it was Daniel who sent me this youtube video that I immediately favorited. It totally highlights the coolness that is Korean..ness

Awesome. I wonder how a Korean Hockey brawl would go down.

We must figure skate to the death!

Good Night Blogspot.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Eddy

Eddy's birthday was on September 11th, and his party was on the 12th,
but I feel like blogging about it just because.
Also, I haven't blogged in a while (apologies to Bonnie and Kellie).

Some people brought drinks,
I brought candy!!~ because I'm gangster like that.
From left to right: Daniel, Daniel's enormous Adam's apple, Me (enjoying a pixie stick), and Davis with a can of Pepsi and a candy cigarette (I know it looks real, yo).

This picture makes me laugh because Daniel looks SO pissed.
Dear Daniel,
Troy Aikman was and is the greatest football player this world has ever known.
Also, Michael Turner is going to go places because he is not dead.

(T_T) Kellie... Michael Turner is dead. =[[[[

This picture also features Mr. Heter Pwang, Davis in the back, birthday boy Eddy getting hugs in the middle, and John (who was hugging everyone and yelling my name every time he saw me. I met him that night. Funny guy.)
Overall, it was great times with good friends.

Me: (Happy Birthday Eddy!)
Christy: (I've had too much to drink, so I think I'll start drinking the invisible stuff.)
Eddy: (... It's my birthday.)
Davis: (Smiles for everyone!)

So thank you Eddy for throwing a kickass party, and I think I'll close with the birthday card I drew for you at 2-4AM. It's one of my favorite inside jokes. The Tay Zonday torture game... lol. Nothing tops death by a Giant Mama Panda.

Good Night Blogspot and Happy Belated Birthday Eddy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Gasp! Could it be? A
new post??? FINALLY??? Yes!
But before I begin, I must first apologize for not posting for so long. Specifically to Bonnie and Kellie! ehem... I am sorry Bonnie and Kellie....

Okay! Now that I've done that, we can move on!

It really has been too long. I am posting super late too so I hope my words make sense after all of this is done. I am pretty delirious right now. Don't believe me? To prove how cracked out I am, I will now take a picture of myself and upload it....

Dear Lord I look awful...

but this is for Bonnie and Kellie....
.... gasp! cough! I must continue and be strong!

So I titled this post the HEROES Post! BECAUSE HEROES IS COMING BACK ON THE 22ND! and that's... SOON!

To go more in depth on the subject of my excitement, I must explain a few things that happened today. And in order to explain a few things that happened today, I must explain what happened last wednesday...

So last Wednesday I showed up to my drawing class extra early because I was ready to go back to school! It was an exciting time. My class was to start at 3:30, and I showed up at 2:45....

3:30 came around, and no teacher showed up... and it was just me, and these two other people...

We later found out that class didn't start until... today. So we all felt really dumb for a second and then we talked briefly about two of my favorite things in the world (HEROES, and the art of Tim Sale). How could I not become friends with these people?? It was meant to be.

So anyway, when we met again today, it was impossible not to be friends with them. Lauren and Matt were their names (pardon me for not giving their names right away). And they lent me their copy of Tim Sale's art book which I currently have on my desk and am thoroughly enjoying. It was really nice and unexpected. Overall a fun first day of class.

Afterwards, I stopped by the Borders in Canoga Park to browse their graphic novel section before going home and I ran into them again. We talked comics some more, and then they took me to eat at this place called the Marmalade cafe. There was a pond with turtles in it and that's all i really needed. Forget food. Give me a turtle pond, and I'm all good.

Back to the title of my post: HEROES Post! Talking to these new people got me excited again for my favorite show. I know the second season was weak, but I got to see the first episode of the third season at The Con, and... all is well.

So now I must go because I work at 7AM tomorrow, but I will end this post with a picture of my favorite Villain 'SYLOW!' and my favorite Hero, HIRO!

What an awesome picture. Good Night Blogspot.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm Sorry Blogspot.... =[

... for being such a terrible blogger! I haven't blogged in weeks...

but there is a reason!

1. I've been super busy with work
2. I've been super busy with volunteer work at the church etc.
3. I've been making lots of doodles and sketches! (hooray!)
4. There's really no good reason, I'm just a sucky blogperson and I'll make it up to you somehow.

funnel cake?

I would love some funnel cake right now... with blueberries... or strawberries... definitely with tons of powdered sugar...



I'm sorry... I had to drift off for a moment to think about the wonders of funnel cake and the magical properties that they hold.

Moving on...
If you know me, you know that I love anything that Brian K. Vaughan comes out with.
Recently, my favorite thing to read over and over again has been the Ex-Machina volumes. And as a result, I haven't finished the last volume of Y: The Last Man...
I probably should get on that...

So this will be my closing topic because I must go...
for I have much to do tomorrow and I have to rest.

I will leave you with this photoshopped picture of Shia LaBeouf.
Good Night Blogspot! I hope you'll forgive me for abandoning you.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hans Zimmer Post

I'm looking at the titles of my blog posts... and they aren't very creative. I think I'm gonna go back and change them.

Okay! I just finished changing some of the titles, and now I can finally move on...

to Hans Zimmer!

Hans Zimmer:

I composed the score for THE DARK KNIGHT!

John Williams:

I... am John Williams!

Hans Zimmer:

I can do a cool black and white picture too... John Williams!
On top of that, it's a picture of me composing something!
Look at me with my pen and paper!
I think I'll scribble some notes for Madagascar 2!
Suck on THAT!

John Williams:

Two words: Harry. Potter. . .
is. something. I. composed. the. original. score. for.

Hans Zimmer:

I always forget which movie was bigger...
Harry Potter...

Danny Elfman:

I did Tim Burton's Batman! High Five!
We both did Batman movies Hans!
Hey cool! My picture's black and white too!
Awesome! High five?

Danny Elfman:

I see how it is...

Screw you guys.

John Williams:

I am STILL John Williams!
I composed Star Wars, I wi---

Hans Zimmer:

Not so FAST John Williams!

Hans Zimmer:

Feel the rhythm.
Feel the rhyme.
Get on up.
It's bobsled time.
Cool Runnings.

John Williams:

touché young padawan.
I am bested.

.... wow

what the hell did I just post? Good Night blogspot.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

THE COMIC CON POST!!! [Part 3 of 3]

The final Post in this series of posts is finally here!!!
Prepare the confetti!!! ---But before you do...

I'm afraid I have to start off with a depressing note.
The very (VERY) talented and the very (VERY) loved Michael Turner, is dead.

... And I don't know how to transition into the rest of my post, so I'll just jump right into it.

Remember to look for vandalism/doctoration of the photos.

I got to meet Doug Benson! Don't know who he is?
Just know that he's a funny guy.

So Samuel L. Jackson played a white guy in Iron Man?
That man is a chameleon!

"It was EXACTLY like the graphic novel!"
"OMG I know! It was exactly like the graphic novel!"
"I agree! It was exactly like in the graphic novel!"

"... I thought it was nothing like the graphic novel"


Sometimes I wish that Michael Bay did a Transformers movie with cardboard Transformers.

Triana Orpheus makes me blush every time.

V for Vendetta on diet and exercise.

So if you haven't read Y: The Last Man, you're totally missing out.
Pia Guerra was so nice! And she drew me an Ampersand in my yearbook! =]

I hate it when this happens... and it happens more than it should.

Took this picture for Jen-O, because it reminded me of her.

I tried to count how many Leia's I saw at the Con, but...

yeah... I lost count after a while.

I'm at the end of the post!!!

THANK YOU Morgan! For driving, and for the good times.
Overall, the weekend was a success.
It was exhausting, but it was a success.
I'm just glad I got to go with fun people.
Like Tom! whom I never knew before this, but was a very cool guy.

So that's it for the Con posts!
Hope you had fun looking for things in my photos.
Good Night!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

THE COMIC CON POST!!! [Part 2 of 3]

Continuing from Part 1, I've vandalized every picture that I will post today (unless it's a picture of an autograph). So click on the pictures to make them bigger and try to spot the doctored parts of my photos from The CON. Some are easy, others are a little tougher to find. Enjoy! =]

The Freakazoid!/Tiny Toons panel!

Bruce Timm: I'm sorry, what is this I'm signing?
Paul Dini: You want me to sign your yearbook? Are you sure?
Sherri Stoner: Sure I'll sign your yearbook! What a neat idea!

And it did turn out to be a neat idea! It was a lot of fun getting my high school yearbook signed.

Of course, none of these photos are gonna have doodles by me,
but people enjoyed vandalizing my memories.

Geof Darrow asked me to give him the AV Club page to sign because he didn't get to be in his AV Club back when he was in school, but we couldn't find the page. While we were flipping through my yearbook, he saw the Anime Club and yelled: "I want to sign on the Anime Club! That's another good one..."

On the last day of The Con, I got Dave Gibbons to sign my copy of The Watchmen
and then I asked if he could sign my yearbook...

Dave Gibbons: Sure! Where do I-- just anywhere? Just sign it then?
...Oh my Goodness! Is Geof here??
Me: Yeah! He's at his booth! He's a funny guy!
Dave Gibbons: Yes! Yes he is! He really is! I'll have to go see him!

Doug TenNapel: (As he's crossing out the name) I'm stealing his DNA...

Doug TenNapel was one of the highlights of the weekend for sure. On top of getting my yearbook signed by him, I got to read and flip through his new graphic novel that he's not even finished with! I told him about how Earthboy Jacobus was in my top 10 favorite graphic novels, and then I showed him my phone background (it's a picture of Jacobus) and when I did, he pulled out this thick stack of papers which turned out to be an unfinished project he was working on.
I wanted to die. T_T
The thing was stapled together and it was almost 2 inches thick! If he's not finished, and it's already that many pages...
then wow...
Bryan, I wish you were there for that! Next year you better go!

I saw Brian Wood... almost every day that I was in San Diego and he was the most excited about my idea for getting people to sign my yearbook. When I showed him Doug TenNapel's page, his eyes lit up and he really wanted to sign! It was awesome. He scanned the page looking for a good face to draw on, and then he spent another 10 seconds thinking about what to do to the face.

So Kellie told me that I need to bring my yearbook every year to The Con, and I think I'll agree with her. It's a good tradition that I've conjured up. =]

The creators of another favorite series of mine: FABLES!!!
Mark Buckingham was funny because he asked (jokingly of course) if he would get into any legal trouble by signing on people's faces.

Brian Azzarello was awesome. I'm so glad I gave him the Principal's Message page because... just look at it! That's gold right there.
...How many M's are in the word Amount?

So I have a few more yearbook signatures,
but I'll save those for Part 3.
Moving on to the final stretch of Part 2!
Don't forget to look for the vandalism!

The Ghosts at The Con were so busted...
(HA HA HA! I crack myself up...)


Jabba the Hutt is a lot skinnier in person.

This was one of the best Joker costumes we saw during the 5 days.

And... I guess I'll end today with one last picture and a letter to someone who may or may not read this blog. Good Night blogspot!

Dear David B,

If you're reading this, then you already know...
I'm still not watching The Hulk.

laughing out loud at your face,