Thursday, December 4, 2008

It Feels Very Christmas-y Lately least to me it does.

I've had lots of reasons to smile big for the last few weeks.

Finding Deadpool comics in my box from Kellie was a big one (THANK YOU AGAIN KELLIE! I LOVE THEM!!!). Her note on my Venture Brothers dvds made me smile too (I'm glad you liked the show!!! I can't wait to reference the show now... and have you understand me!!! ...!!!!!!).

And today Terin made me smile, which he's been doing a lot lately because--if you guys didn't know already-- he's a funny guy! His humor wasn't what made me smile today though...

I brought you a surprise. It's on my desk. It's not a big deal though
Oh, I'll make it a big deal no matter what it is. I'm excited!
I think you'll like it.
*beep boop beep---b-beep! chk chk*
(that's our office door opening for people who don't know)
(grabs the box from his desk)
I brought you some of my old underwear.
Oh my God...
I'm not sure I wanna make a big deal out of this anymore.
I'm kidding. Here.

And I opened the box to find... all of his text books from his class on comic books that he took at CSUN. It was SO random, but it made me smile because we would talk about that class, and he would tell me about how ridiculous it was and how he thought I would like it. I'm really looking forward to reading these books after I finish the Deadpool comics. There's this one on the history of Batman that has some cool pictures in it. And... as Liz told me today, I have a goofy grin on my face. To me it's just my regular grin, but Liz was laughing when she saw me today and when I asked her why, she said it was my 'goofy grin'. =] I like that my happiness is contageous. Contageous to Liz at least.

Another thing that made me smile this week was of course THE IRON GIANT! I'm still recovering from how cool this movie is (I use the present tense because it's still a cool movie to me, and probably always will be!). It's aged so well! It was made in 1999, but if it was released now as a new movie... my head would still explode. I guess I'm trying to say that this movie made my head explode when I saw it a few days ago. I'm hyping it up a lot for people who haven't seen it, but I don't care-I wanna see it again!

So far I've gone into the happy times I've been having as of late, but not so much the actual Christmas-y times as my blog title dictates. I guess the best way to describe my sense of Christmas-ness in the air is... with a question mark. I really don't know. I just feel like it's Christmas this year. The music, the colors, just in general, I'm feeling it...

I was reading Bonnie's blog today, and "All I Want For Christmas" by Mariah Carey started playing. I normally turn off blog/myspace music because I'll have my iTunes up, but I stopped my Asian Banjo Music and listened to Bonnie's Christmas music for a while and left it on while I read some comic books. The funny thing about Christmas music is that I love it... but only during this time of year. It's the same with turkey for me. I only really eat turkey once a year (I don't count deli turkey as TURKEY turkey), and it's one of my favorite foods. Maybe it's the fact that I enjoy these things for a short time out of the year, which makes them that much better to me. Anyway, Mariah Carey can sing yo.

Speaking of Mariah Carey... Watch this video all the way through. TRUST me. When it gets to 2:45 and the song picks up..OMG. Just watch it and laugh. It's something fun from Korea.

Good Night Blogspot.

I... am so glad I found this...
I don't expect you to understand... but please try.
LOLLLL I feel embarrassed for this guy...
but he makes me laugh too much to care.

Ronnica was right Jennifer Park.


Anonymous said...

thanks for abandoning me at borders! way to hurt my feelings again robert.
i'm convinced that the guy is playing a huge joke on everyone. maybe that wasn't how it was supposed to be, but now that he's internet famous, he's milking it
touch my body is still my favorite

God said...

that second video was freakin' funny. well done, sir.