Friday, March 12, 2010

The Surinam Toad: Nature's 2 Girls 1 Cup

Interesting fact: God speaks in courier font.

So for breakfast today I toasted a whole wheat English muffin with almond butter and blueberries sprinkled on top...

...and it reminded me of the Surinam Toad. This post is for Jennifer Park. Thanks for showing me this disgusting abomination way back in High School, and forever changing the way I had nightmares.

For those who haven't seen a Surinam Toad, I've youtubed it for you, and picked a video with screaming Japanese people to share in the gross-out experience with you:

D: AHHHH!!!!~

Talk to you later Blogspot. I think about you all the time ;D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm going Twitter crazy...

...because I can.

Ever since I got one of those smart phones, I've been having so much fun! Some of this fun includes twitter. Whereas the me of 3 weeks ago would've rolled his eyes at the idea of posting hourly updates and stupid one liners... the me of NOW enjoys throwing imaginary internet confetti at the 27 people who apparently "follow" me. And that makes me do this face:


So my last post was a fail. and the day after the last post, was another fail because I did not "try again" TODAY-- is today. And I do not plan to fail, because I have already succeeded by typing more than a handful of words. Usually I go through and fix my awkward sentences, but not today! I am still feeling moderately blog-lazy.

How have YOU been?

I've missed you. We haven't hung out in a while... or ever. That's right-- I'm talking to YOU-- eight people who follow my blog.

I made you a heart:


Just print that out, and it's yours to keep forever and ever.

A small token of my gratitude... For the fact that you haven't removed me from your list of blogs to read even though I don't post regularly.

Anyhoo-- I hope you are well, and we will play soon. Dinneylann?

Dinneylann indeed.

I don't know if you've seen this, but this made me smile this week:

k, that is all.

I've missed you-- even if I don't say it, Calculus I Professor. (That heart was for you too)

Good Night Blogspot.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Feelin' Bloggy

Haven't blogged in forever. I kept putting it off... waiting for something exciting to talk about... but when exciting things happened, I still didn't feel like blogging.
Was it a lack of motivation?
most definitely, yes.

And now, almost a month since my last post, I am back with much to say and I feel like saying it! I'm gonna make a shaky promise right now-- that I'm gonna break my blog record of last yea--*yaawwnnn* ...r--

and things are gonna be different from now on! I know it's 2AM in the morning, but I bought these B-Vitamins from Target today, and they give you energy! It says so on the bottle...


I-- *sniff* hold on... what was I saying?

I swear I wanna blog...

lately my neck's been killing me-- I ...

Calculus and... no crush this year...

Saw a girl with a BSG license plate frame and i-- it was...Zzzzz

Good Night Blogspot...

dear LORD was that exhausting. I'll try again tomorrow.