Friday, November 21, 2008

Disappointing Post

So much to post...
Let's start with the most recent stuff and move backwards...

Deadpool has become my favorite comic book character.

A few of my favorite artists are apparently douchebags (*shrug*)

There was another fire. (Scary... especially for my grandma)

Kickball = Fun! (The Harry-Potter-Mountain-Goats are goin' all the way this year!)

I voted for the first time and felt very patriotic, wore a shirt with red white & blue, and I got a free cupcake!
I decided to call this the Disappointing Post because I will not go into detail on anything listed above. At least not right now... for it is late and I must work in the morning... . I decided that I really should start blogging more. =[ My scanner is broken. So none of my artwork done on actual paper is going to be posted. poo poo. doody ca ca--

Good Night Blogspot.


Anonymous said...

aren't scanners amazing in that when you need them to work, they work well but when they don't work, no matter what you do, they refuse to work?
you should update more because i kinda check your blog everyday

Kellie said...

You should get into Mike Choi because not only is he a really nice guy, but his art is also pretty snazzy. As long as Sandra is coloring that is.