Friday, December 4, 2009


So I was talking with my friend Jennifer Park (who apparently reads my blog.) 0_0
and I she's so good at remembering my birthday... because "It's RIb!" (RIb=1216)

And that got me in the mood for a mcRib...
...which I did not have.

Instead, I went home and ate rice with Korea.

I've only had a mcRib twice since it's come back. My friend David's google status has been updating how many he's had it and the last I checked he was at: "7 mcribs in 7 days!"

(opens new tab--> checks gmail...)

NOOOOOOOooo!!! His new update: "Mcrib streak dies". 7 is a good number to stop at I guess. I stopped at 2.

The McDouble is also back to a dollar. So I've been having the occasional ghetto big mac.

If you haven't tried a ghetto big mac, it's a Mcdouble with lettuce and a sesame seed bun with special sauce instead of mustard and ketchup. it's like you're getting a big mac for half price! 0_0. middle bun not included.

So what did the Robot say to the Big Mac?

This video is just retarded-my head hurts-Good-bye.

I still have a crush on my Calculus teacher.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

i haven't tried the mcrib yet, but i really should. thanks for the reminder, and of course i still read your blog!