Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas wishLIST 2009~ for fun!

I'm about to post stuff that I don't expect ANYONE to get me.

For one-- it's stuff I would never really need. And it's frackin' expensive crap.

Would I buy this stuff on my own? Yes.
Without or with very little hesitation
(only because I'm usually saving up to buy this stuff)

If you've been to my room, you've probably seen the 300 dollar Hellboy statue I got from Comic-Con 08.

At the moment, it's temporarily boxed... until I get a proper shelf for it--- and these awesome items in my wish list!
  • Number 7: A new Hellboy Statue: This one seems more "Hellboy" than the one I bought in 2008. I love the pose on this too... However, with a cooler pose comes a bigger price tag. This sucker's over 700 bucks, and that makes me do this face: 0_0
  • Number 6! A frakking toaster. I saw this 2 years ago when I wasn't a fan of Battlestar Galactica, and even then I thought it was cool. A year after that, I caught up and became a fan and here I am now, wanting this toaster. Two years ago, it was 65 bucks, but now it's 90 bucks, comes in titanium... and has built in LED lights for the cylon on the front. Super useless for me, because I wouldn't use it for what it was made for.
  • 5: Kiani Statue. Yes, there's one more statue on my list. This one is about 400 bucks give or take. Kiani has a really cool one shot that you can buy right now in any decent comic book store if you don't know where she's from. She also has a neat little book by JT Krul, that I read for the first time this year. Anyway, I'm getting off topic--It's just an amazing statue! More frowns of sadness though because Michael Turner is dead. :(
  • 4: Monty Python's Flying Circus! Why don't I already have this? It was just expensive-- and I already can see every episode on my Netflix Instant View. Soooo it's not exactly a must have. However, right now at this very moment, it's 39.99 on <3>
  • 3: James Jean art print-- or original sketch! An art print from his site? 85 bucks. an original sketch? Near the thousands. Chances of me getting either are slim. I bought his beautiful Fables Covers book when it first came out, and I love it. Includes all of his Fables covers (minus a few of his later ones) and includes prelim sketches and notes on each. His artwork is candy for my eyes.
  • 2: Ray called this pick stupid... but I don't care, I still want it. Calvin Klein's usb-glasses.I know there're a lot of usb-THINGS, but this one actually seems cool. Kinda scared of how the flash-drive looks when it's unplugged from the arm of the glasses. I'd only get these if I tried them on in person and discovered that they were sturdier than their pictures lead me to believe. $199
  • NUMBER 1: This one, I actually want people to get.Charity Water. There're a lot of causes out there. I still follow up on "LiNK" (Liberty in North Korea), and of course, there's always Compassion International, but charity water is something new, and a little shocking. If you go to you can make a donation to "bring clean water to people around the world" Sorta self explanatory. Besides Diet Coke, water is totally my favorite drink. I love water so much... that... I feel like I can't live without it. 0_0 You know?
All joking aside, it's not super hard. You give them your money, and they do the work for you. I know we'd all love to leave our comfortable lives here, and go into the hells of Africa to bring clean water to the masses, but let's be real here. You know that idea makes you sigh an overwhelmed sigh.

Thank God for these people. It's sad to think that water of all things-- excuse me, CLEAN water, is a rare commodity in large parts of our planet, where people live. So this year, I plan on giving flimsy little rubber bracelets that say charity: water on them, because it's awesome. Hope I get some for myself too.

  • Honorable mention: A date with my Calculus Professor.
Good Night Blogspot!

1 comment:

x said...

I love James Jean <3 He went to School of Visual Arts!