Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thank You! ....stupid

Those were the words said to me by the strangest man who ever returned something...

For starters, he had a Borders receipt from New York that didn't have the return policy printed on the back... so he thought that since the policy didn't state anything, that anything goes.

How does that sound right to anyone? lol.

Since it doesn't say that I don't get a hundred dollars with every return, I get a hundred dollars! don't you understand??? (He didn't say this, but this was his train of thought)

His logic was very flawed...

To be fair... maybe he's never returned anything in his life. Even if that were true, credit doesn't equal cash.

He also told us that his credit card account was closed, so he needed cash. lol, That makes it a lot better.

"I'm sorry you don't understand our policy sir..."
"I'm sorry YOU don't understand your policy"
"(...what the heck, are you five?) uhhh, okay?"
"I'm not saying you don't understand your policy. But maybe you don't"
"(HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What???) that's fine."

Sometimes I wonder if our customers are real people, or actors from a hidden camera show.

This whole situation made Kellie and I laugh. The man was trying to be a lawyer or something. He kept thinking that he found a loophole where there weren't any. He insisted that the original form of payment... = money. Credit = money... therefore we should give money back in any form! huh???

On top of that, he got pissed at me for tearing up his original receipt. If he were Liz's friend who is saving every single receipt he gets, that would be okay, but I doubt he's attempting what Liz's friend is attempting. So he left in a huff, and in the end, in his last efforts to retain his dignity, he stormed out and called me stupid. lol.

David: You should've yelled out 'Oh yeah? Gaylord!"
Kellie: or 'nooo, you're stupid!'

Next time...

for sure.


Kellie said...

In type, David's is so much better.

Word Verification Word (Definitely worth mentioning this time): Oothe

Fatty Pants said...

You are quite easily swayed by my post sir.

Also, Ghiradelli's is in the gaslamp over by Horton Plaza. It's the block next to the movie theatre, and it's delightful. Please go there and order large quantities of ice cream. I also thought KTP's response was funnier :)

God said...

I'd have to go with the gaylord comment.