Monday, February 2, 2009

Heroes Postscript

It was okay. Once again, the beginning of this new season is starting off with a lot of good potential.

They should never've gotten into Time Travel. Time Travel writing is too difficult.

From the looks of it, they're keeping things simple. I spotted Jeph Loeb's name on the opening credits, but he isn't listed on the imdb. =/

There were a few 'oh snap' moments, but I was watching nervously the whole episode. Not because it was particularly exciting, but because I was nervous that the episode was going to blow and I would have to retire my loyalty to the show. The episode sets up for a lot of good story line possibilities... but the fear is that they won't deliver. From the looks of it, they're being safer with the build up. Not as ambitious.

Good potential. I really hope they don't slap the faces of their few remaining fans.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

guess who has a new blog