Friday, January 29, 2010

Tae Kwhand-Do (haHA! you see--it's funny because- -the video- - and the.. ha! ...)

I saw this on Ray's facebook and I just had to repost it here... because it's adorable and it made me laugh.


assuming that you clicked the video... did you enjoy it?? If you didn't, it's okay... it's just-- we can't be friends anymore.


haha, Anyway, I've missed ya Blogspot. Sorry for abandoning you again.


Gracey said...

Her laughing got kind of annoying at times....

BUT ZOMG CUTE! Best part, 0:40 ish!

Thanks for that. Laughed hard!

[Speaking of laughing, Izzard show was great. Definitely we go together to the next one!!!!]

God said...

love the sound effects