Friday, March 27, 2009


Let's go see it!!!!

The trailer made me do this face: 0_0... followed by this face: T_T and then this one: X_X

I haven't gotten this excited over a trailer since... to be honest with you, the trailer for Watchmen.

So is everyone down??? I know you are, I don't even have to ask, but I did because I'm sooo tired. It's 2:23 AM! I stayed up watching Battlestar Galactica (KELLIE!!! OMG!!!!). I don't get why you guys love Helo. I think he's a frakkin' idiot! But then again, if he didn't do what he did, the show would've ended with a meh... Sharon--excuse me, Athena was soooo gonna betray her toaster roots and kill those mother fools!!! Stupid Helo...

and his rap music...

lol, Gaius on the Cylon basestar is really weird. I like how creepy the Hybrid lady is also. Best part about the Hybrid (for me so far) is when she totally objected to the Cylons leaving the sick behind... but they override her decision and make her jump and she can't help but make that sexface that she makes when she jumps. It made me laugh. I wanted a Hybrid rebellion!

Hybrid: "I will not jump! No matter how good it obviously makes me feel!

.... ehhhhhhhh--frakkk it! jump! *sexface*"

Battlestar Galactica... haha. I totally went off my main focus.


I found a test scene for the movie! (I'm guessing it's not actually IN the movie, because Max's tail in the trailer is different, and Max looks kinda different here.)

haha robots are the best...

Good Night Blogspot

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