Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Feelin' Bloggy

Haven't blogged in forever. I kept putting it off... waiting for something exciting to talk about... but when exciting things happened, I still didn't feel like blogging.
Was it a lack of motivation?
most definitely, yes.

And now, almost a month since my last post, I am back with much to say and I feel like saying it! I'm gonna make a shaky promise right now-- that I'm gonna break my blog record of last yea--*yaawwnnn* ...r--

and things are gonna be different from now on! I know it's 2AM in the morning, but I bought these B-Vitamins from Target today, and they give you energy! It says so on the bottle...


I-- *sniff* hold on... what was I saying?

I swear I wanna blog...

lately my neck's been killing me-- I ...

Calculus and... no crush this year...

Saw a girl with a BSG license plate frame and i-- it was...Zzzzz

Good Night Blogspot...

dear LORD was that exhausting. I'll try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Good effort though...

my word verification word is: missupen. I do miss that pen.