Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm BACK~!

Hey blogspot! it's good to be back!

I'll update this with my new robot for 2011 in a few days~
until then, I'll miss you lots.
I'm sorry I've been on tumblr so much--but 2011 will be the year of the double blogging
;D I promise.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I was so happy after my Calculus final was done with... and now I have this awesome feeling of freedom~! :D
AND it's a beautiful ass day today! I wanna go outside and have a summer montage.

So I've been on the tumblr quite a bit lately.

It's my lazy blog. You should visit me there, because my blogging will be lazy this summer.

I'm gonna spend most of my time out and about I'm afraid. I'll try my best to keep in touch.

D: I'm kinda excited for this:

See ya later Blogspot!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

IRON MAN 2 Tonight!!!!

Midnight. Arclight. I'm excited. Prepare the confetti!

Nothing will bring me down today!
Even if the movie is crap~! I'll be so happy to see a new Iron Man movie!

k---that's all :D

ttyl Blogspot!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

D: Finals Month

I've been MIA because I've been in the process of finishing the last month of school... and I want it to end!!! I can't wait to be done with it all.

In other news, I have a new Deviant Art account.


Talk to you later Blogspot

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is that a---OMG, somebody call an ambulance!!! D:

I was out on a drive to pick up some food today, when I heard an ambulance and a firetruck in the distance. Being the good driver that I sometimes am, I slowed down as I saw it getting closer up ahead (I was in the middle lane to make a left turn at a light). To my surprise, the ambulance parked on the sidewalk to the left side of me...

and that's when I noticed this 60-70 year old man lying face down on the grass behind a bus bench. 0__0 This is where a person like me gets really excited.

I was thinking: "Holy crap! a DEAD guy! :D"

So as the emergency response team walked closer to the body, it moved!--startled one of the paramedics--- the dude was taking a nap.

Turned my dramatic "I saw a corpse today" story into a: "I saw a sleeping bum today" story.

This all happened during a red light.

On my drive back from picking up food, the old man was sitting on the bus stop bench... looking like---he just woke up. And this made me smile.

Talk to you later Blogspot! I still think about you all the time. ;D

Friday, April 9, 2010

Being Single Makes Me Wanna Dance!


Today in the parking lot at school, this young couple was fighting in front of their car. I would say that I didn't want to overhear their conversation, but it was kinda loud... and it made me thankful to be single. Needless to say, it made my walk to class really awkward and uncomfortable as I could still hear them yelling after walking 100 feet away...

..but then I heard the nearby Disco Aerobics class in the Fitness Center

"Disco-hands! work it! Put 'em up! Disco-HANDS!"

Anyway, the combination of these two things back-to-back made me laugh---and then think of this music video:

(warning: F-bomb goes off 17 seconds in...
the rest is full of awesome spontaneous Diner dancing and air guitaring)
(credit for my discovery of this video goes to JVK)

lol... don't you wish you could teleport to a cool David Guetta produced music video after every public fight with someone?

Every break-up and every fight I've ever had--in afterthought, was ... meh,
but in the moment, it sucks! It feels terrible.

So to my next ex-girlfriend: when we break up--- I will play this song by David Guetta, lip sync to it, and dance in a Diner.. because it will make me feel better and make my dreams come true.

Good to be back, Blogspot! Did ya miss me??

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Surinam Toad: Nature's 2 Girls 1 Cup

Interesting fact: God speaks in courier font.

So for breakfast today I toasted a whole wheat English muffin with almond butter and blueberries sprinkled on top...

...and it reminded me of the Surinam Toad. This post is for Jennifer Park. Thanks for showing me this disgusting abomination way back in High School, and forever changing the way I had nightmares.

For those who haven't seen a Surinam Toad, I've youtubed it for you, and picked a video with screaming Japanese people to share in the gross-out experience with you:

D: AHHHH!!!!~

Talk to you later Blogspot. I think about you all the time ;D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm going Twitter crazy...

...because I can.

Ever since I got one of those smart phones, I've been having so much fun! Some of this fun includes twitter. Whereas the me of 3 weeks ago would've rolled his eyes at the idea of posting hourly updates and stupid one liners... the me of NOW enjoys throwing imaginary internet confetti at the 27 people who apparently "follow" me. And that makes me do this face:


So my last post was a fail. and the day after the last post, was another fail because I did not "try again" TODAY-- is today. And I do not plan to fail, because I have already succeeded by typing more than a handful of words. Usually I go through and fix my awkward sentences, but not today! I am still feeling moderately blog-lazy.

How have YOU been?

I've missed you. We haven't hung out in a while... or ever. That's right-- I'm talking to YOU-- eight people who follow my blog.

I made you a heart:


Just print that out, and it's yours to keep forever and ever.

A small token of my gratitude... For the fact that you haven't removed me from your list of blogs to read even though I don't post regularly.

Anyhoo-- I hope you are well, and we will play soon. Dinneylann?

Dinneylann indeed.

I don't know if you've seen this, but this made me smile this week:

k, that is all.

I've missed you-- even if I don't say it, Calculus I Professor. (That heart was for you too)

Good Night Blogspot.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Feelin' Bloggy

Haven't blogged in forever. I kept putting it off... waiting for something exciting to talk about... but when exciting things happened, I still didn't feel like blogging.
Was it a lack of motivation?
most definitely, yes.

And now, almost a month since my last post, I am back with much to say and I feel like saying it! I'm gonna make a shaky promise right now-- that I'm gonna break my blog record of last yea--*yaawwnnn* ...r--

and things are gonna be different from now on! I know it's 2AM in the morning, but I bought these B-Vitamins from Target today, and they give you energy! It says so on the bottle...


I-- *sniff* hold on... what was I saying?

I swear I wanna blog...

lately my neck's been killing me-- I ...

Calculus and... no crush this year...

Saw a girl with a BSG license plate frame and i-- it was...Zzzzz

Good Night Blogspot...

dear LORD was that exhausting. I'll try again tomorrow.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tae Kwhand-Do (haHA! you see--it's funny because- -the video- - and the.. ha! ...)

I saw this on Ray's facebook and I just had to repost it here... because it's adorable and it made me laugh.


assuming that you clicked the video... did you enjoy it?? If you didn't, it's okay... it's just-- we can't be friends anymore.


haha, Anyway, I've missed ya Blogspot. Sorry for abandoning you again.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday Comic Book Catch-up 2010 edition!

I think the last time I posted a comic book catch up, I was VERY behind.
The stack had to be at least 2 feet tall...

I'm happy to say that by next week, my comic book reading will be up to date! :D yaaay!

So the highlights of what I read today are but 2... one-shots (prepare for spoilers--kinda!):
  • #1 Abe Sapien Highlights: Lake-demons are cool. Especially when they explode out of 10 year old kids.
  • #2 X-Force Annual Highlights: There's a dying girl who needs my blood to survive! Wolverine-- do something! 0_0 snikt! snikt! *slice!* GAHHHHH!!!!! D: MY ARM!!!!! OH GOD THA---that... works I guess?
My apologies to you Blogspot! I swear I've missed ya!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Comic-Con 2010 is SOLD OUT already?!?!

sad times.

Post Script:

It's the 5 day passes that are sold out, but still... sad times.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"New" Year's Post

oh dear... I have this blog post saved from forever ago... 0_0

This post and the ones following are for YOU Chiyo~!

I know it's no longer New Year's Day, but I didn't get a chance to blog about New Year's stuff!

sooooooo I'll just cram it all into this one post and... bulletpoints?

ehem! let's see... Top 5 movies I'm looking forward to seeing in 2010:

  • #5 Kick-Ass! (equals a damn fine comic book... sure to be awesome movie)
  • #4 Iron Man 2 (ROOOBOT!!!!! ---suits!)
  • #3 Buried (Ryan Reynolds... I like him)
  • #2 MacGruber! (I asked a question the other day... "What's Val Kilmer up to nowadays?" I'm glad that it was this.)
  • #1 Kick-Ass! --a second time! (just because I'm not that excited about a lot of the 2010 movies yet)
hmmm... so that's that... What about the Top 5 movies I saw in 2009?
There were a lot of awesome movies this year...

(I'm gonna have to pick this up a bit, I have work in 10 minutes 0_0)
  • #5 Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (Funniest movie of last year)
  • #4 Where the Wild Things Are (A crying wild thing = a misty eyed Robert)
  • #3 Hangover (Proof that Zach Galifianakis deserves to be in good movies.)
  • #2 500 Days of Summer (this movie cheered me up when I was down)
  • #1 District 9 (Alien weapons are the best :D)
Bottom 5 movies I saw in 2009
(If these movies were food, they were used baby diapers wrapped with lettuce)
  • #5 Bruno (I laughed... but got bored with the quickness and then disgusted)
  • #4 Wolverine Origins (I'll still buy it from cd trader for 3 bucks 10 years from now... but will watch it and forget about it until the next decade. Daniel Henney's scream = the best part, and apparently it's cut from the dvd release?! 0_0)
  • #3 Transformers Rise of the Fallen (Why did Devastator suck so much? Literally... and figuratively speaking. Again, I will still buy this movie because I like to see robots and explosions)
  • #2 Observe and Report ("It's like Paul Blart, only funny!" ... sadly, this is not the case)
  • #1 Bruno-- a second time (I thought maybe, just maybe!-- but no. I'd rather watch The Proposal twice---)
  • #0.5 The Proposal (Totally forgot that I saw this movie. Ryan Reynolds... I like him. He makes this movie only half of a baby's diaper)
k, I don't know what else to put in this long overdue blog post, and now I have work.

Blogspot--- I'm sorry for ignoring you, will you forgive me?

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Blog Header!!!

Let's all say farewell to my 2009 blog header:

And say hello to 2010!

AHHHH hahahaha!!!