- 5:
GOJIRA. The number 1 fear of every Japanese person! Many filmmakers have tried to create an equal to Godzilla. Korea tried with the HOST, and the US had the Cloverfield sea herpes monster, but Godzilla's still king of all the monsters in my book. As far as replay value... I don't know about that. It's great to play in the background during a party though.
- 4:
28 Weeks Later. Not as good as the first one says the pretentious movie critic. And I'll agree; Danny Boyle made a damn good film (running-zombies-first! ahhh!). Where 28 Weeks Later lacks in cinematic masterpiece-ery, it makes up for, and it surpasses the first movie, in its ability to entertain. I had so much fun watching this with friends. The opening act was intense, there were explosions!, and it had Michael from LOST!
- 3:
The Host. The bad amazon.com reviews complain about how this movie is confused about what it is... is it a comedy? a monster flick? a family drama? .... Why're these reasons for a bad review? Why can't a monster movie also make you laugh, cry, and bite your nails? And--this movie totally knows what it is, mother fools! Any fan of Korean Cinema will tell you, that the Koreans love the multi-genre flick. This movie isn't scary in any real way, but come on amazon.com reviewers! Get off of your movie snob thrones and watch this for what it is: A damn good alternative to the 2 dimensional "run from the monster!" movie. Apologies to my number 5 pick ;)
- 2:
The Ring. Saw this movie when it came out in 2002. Don't remember who I watched it with, but I do remember the above scene scaring the crap out of me. I still think it's the best remake of an Asian classic. I'll even go as far as saying that it's the only good remake of an Asian film. I remember when people told me that the Japanese version was "sooo much scarier". I found that I strongly disagreed with this. The special effects in the American remake effectively make this movie awesome. Naomi Watts also has the best scream (rawr). Still gives me the chills.
- Number 1:
Drag Me To Hell, directed by Sam Raimi. A movie where scary things happen to a genuinely good persom. I screamed, I laughed... a lot, I cried-- from laughing, a lot. I know some people who hated this movie and thought it was stupid, but they're the same people who hate Bruce Campbell movies. And a world where Bruce Campbell movies are hated, is a world I don't want to be in. The use of vomit in the movie is... excessive, but it's not meant to be taken seriously. Again, I laughed-- a lot. I totally had a crush on Alison Lohman during this movie too, and that always helps. (sorry, calculus professor, I didn't know you back then). This is a newer film, so I don't quite know how well it'll age... but meh.
.... ehhh it's not that funny.
I still have a crush on my calc teacher. The swine flu made her lose a lot of weight :(
It's sucking the life out of her!
that is all.
Good Night Blogspot!
that scene from the ring totally freaked me out too!
I loved the Host!
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