Today... MY TOP 5 CRUSHES. Unfortunately, there are no Calculus Professors here...
... only sexy Calculus Professors!! (haha! did I get ya??)
- Number 5: My Calculus Professor ... makes me do this face:
I want to do well in her class to impress her... but at the same time, I want to fail so I can take her class over again. What a pickle. You're one of a kind--Calculus Professor! I totally still have a crush on you.
- Number 4:
Katee Sackhoff. Just look into her eyes! on a hotness scale of Jalapeno to Habanero, she's a Chinese Ghost Chili 0_0. In all fairness to my other picks, it's mainly Battlestar Galactica that makes her so john-stamos. So maybe it's Kara Thrace that's my number 4 pick...
NOOO, no-- it's Katee Sackhoff. Battlestar Galactica or no, this be a pretty lady. T_T
- Number 3: Becky Cloonan!
The 4th picture of her on Google image search is from my blog T_T. Google her and see! I didn't post the sketches she did for me from my first trip to the Con... or this year's sketch (both AMAZING), but I probably should. And maybe I'll twitter her the sketches after gaining the courage! Anyway--so when I first started reading comics in 2005, I picked up this neat little comic book called American Virgin. I remember opening it up to the first page of the first issue and seeing her drawing style for the first time. It made me do this face: 0_0. And when I finally got to meet her in 2008, she was getting over a cold of some kind and she drew me Hellboy! :) It was one of those things where an artist is really hard on themselves, but the fan is totally glued to what they're doing. After she finished, she apologized to me, and told me: "I swear-- I can draw!" (which made me smile) and asked me to come back next year and ask for an Abe Sapien. So... I did! With plenty of reference pictures this time on my PSP. And it is by far the coolest sketch I received this year. Apologies to Joshua Middleton (who did the covers for American Virgin!). And of course, apologies to my Calc Professor--I totally have a bigger crush on Becky Cloonan-- you've got nothing on her.
- Number 2: Olivia Munn!
- Finally, my Number 1 Crush! .... I've got nothing--WAIT!
Supergirl! Her father was killed by Reactron, her name is currently being dragged through the mud by some bitch reporter, and eventually, she needs to get involved with the Blackest Night superhero undead thing that's happening in the world of DC (I'm hoping/guessing). Her life pretty much sucks, but damn is it entertaining to read! Also helps that Joshua Middleton is doing the covers. The last time I had bought an issue of Supergirl was when Michael Turner-- sigh... Michael Turner did the covers for Supergirl... :( KELLIE!!!!!
As you can see, I am a man of many crushes, but as of this very moment, it is on my Calculus Professor, because I have some homework to do.
Good Night Blogspot.