Sunday, June 7, 2009

Movies I would like to see #6 and #5

Dear Blogspot,

I'm sorry for being such a bad blogger. I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.

=] I wanna make a LIST!

SO... I like to go on Rotten Tomato from time to time, and sometimes they have these lists... (Kellie also has her 5 on Friday lists that I enjoy reading, and we used to do that 5 list notebook thing which was fun while it lasted)

And today, I read a list of video game movies that the rotten tomato staff would like to see made, and the directors they would choose. I have to admit that I thought that their list was lame.

I'm not a gamer though.

I DO like the idea of making a list of movies I would like to see made and who I would want to direct said movie. I think I can think of about 6 I would really like to see. Starting from #6...

# 6. Mercenaries.
Directed by Michael Bay, John Woo, or anyone who can direct over the top explosions/action porn.

I've never played the game. I'm basing this choice on the trailer for the sequel to the first game. Also, Kellie... you know who did the covers for the comic book. T_T

I loved the song in this ad, which you can hear in Kellie's blog here.

From what I understand, this game was a huge disappointment compared to the first. But this ad is great! I love that he goes from being unarmed, to eventually stealing a helicopter to blow up an offshore oil drilling platform... and it all started because someone didn't give him his money.

Not that there aren't enough of these types of movies, it's just that I wanna see more of this ad, without playing a stupid game, and with real actors.

# 5. Earthworm Jim.
Directed by Douglas TenNapel or Rob Schrab

I pulled this one right out of the rotten tomato list. They chose Tim Burton to direct. I have nothing against Tim Burton as a man... for I have never met him. It's the majority of his super-fans that I can't stand. I thought Edward Scissorhands was okay. I will never watch it again in my lifetime unless you Clockwork Orange it on me.

I looked it up on imdb, and GASP! It's actually on there for 2010!!! And it's NOT directed by Tim Burton because there is a God. Douglas TenNapel is apparently directing it.

All I hope is that it be animated, grimey, and ridiculous. The only other person I can see directing such a thing is Rob Schrab (who co-wrote Monster House). His mini-movie ROBOT BASTARD is awesome low budget fun (you should watch it by clicking the link!), and I really think he could direct Earthworm Jim just based on watching ROBOT BASTARD.

Not blogging for so long has made this kinda tough... lol, I feel like I can't even make a proper list... because I can't. I'm tired and I wanna go to bed--leave me alone.

I'll post #4 and #3 tomorrow, and I promise... nothing. I might even post 4 and 3 in 2010 when they're done making Earthworm Jim.

Ugh, I'm glad that they're making Earthworm Jim, but I'm disappointed at the same time, because it makes my #5 choice in this list not as blog worthy. whatevs. I'll give you a hangman for my #4 choice.

It'll have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as the main character(s).

I know Kellie already knows this movie.... or does she?

GOod Night Blogspot.

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