Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Gasp! Could it be? A
new post??? FINALLY??? Yes!
But before I begin, I must first apologize for not posting for so long. Specifically to Bonnie and Kellie! ehem... I am sorry Bonnie and Kellie....

Okay! Now that I've done that, we can move on!

It really has been too long. I am posting super late too so I hope my words make sense after all of this is done. I am pretty delirious right now. Don't believe me? To prove how cracked out I am, I will now take a picture of myself and upload it....

Dear Lord I look awful...

but this is for Bonnie and Kellie....
.... gasp! cough! I must continue and be strong!

So I titled this post the HEROES Post! BECAUSE HEROES IS COMING BACK ON THE 22ND! and that's... SOON!

To go more in depth on the subject of my excitement, I must explain a few things that happened today. And in order to explain a few things that happened today, I must explain what happened last wednesday...

So last Wednesday I showed up to my drawing class extra early because I was ready to go back to school! It was an exciting time. My class was to start at 3:30, and I showed up at 2:45....

3:30 came around, and no teacher showed up... and it was just me, and these two other people...

We later found out that class didn't start until... today. So we all felt really dumb for a second and then we talked briefly about two of my favorite things in the world (HEROES, and the art of Tim Sale). How could I not become friends with these people?? It was meant to be.

So anyway, when we met again today, it was impossible not to be friends with them. Lauren and Matt were their names (pardon me for not giving their names right away). And they lent me their copy of Tim Sale's art book which I currently have on my desk and am thoroughly enjoying. It was really nice and unexpected. Overall a fun first day of class.

Afterwards, I stopped by the Borders in Canoga Park to browse their graphic novel section before going home and I ran into them again. We talked comics some more, and then they took me to eat at this place called the Marmalade cafe. There was a pond with turtles in it and that's all i really needed. Forget food. Give me a turtle pond, and I'm all good.

Back to the title of my post: HEROES Post! Talking to these new people got me excited again for my favorite show. I know the second season was weak, but I got to see the first episode of the third season at The Con, and... all is well.

So now I must go because I work at 7AM tomorrow, but I will end this post with a picture of my favorite Villain 'SYLOW!' and my favorite Hero, HIRO!

What an awesome picture. Good Night Blogspot.

1 comment:

God said...

Much appreciated.