Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thank You! ....stupid

Those were the words said to me by the strangest man who ever returned something...

For starters, he had a Borders receipt from New York that didn't have the return policy printed on the back... so he thought that since the policy didn't state anything, that anything goes.

How does that sound right to anyone? lol.

Since it doesn't say that I don't get a hundred dollars with every return, I get a hundred dollars! don't you understand??? (He didn't say this, but this was his train of thought)

His logic was very flawed...

To be fair... maybe he's never returned anything in his life. Even if that were true, credit doesn't equal cash.

He also told us that his credit card account was closed, so he needed cash. lol, That makes it a lot better.

"I'm sorry you don't understand our policy sir..."
"I'm sorry YOU don't understand your policy"
"(...what the heck, are you five?) uhhh, okay?"
"I'm not saying you don't understand your policy. But maybe you don't"
"(HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What???) that's fine."

Sometimes I wonder if our customers are real people, or actors from a hidden camera show.

This whole situation made Kellie and I laugh. The man was trying to be a lawyer or something. He kept thinking that he found a loophole where there weren't any. He insisted that the original form of payment... = money. Credit = money... therefore we should give money back in any form! huh???

On top of that, he got pissed at me for tearing up his original receipt. If he were Liz's friend who is saving every single receipt he gets, that would be okay, but I doubt he's attempting what Liz's friend is attempting. So he left in a huff, and in the end, in his last efforts to retain his dignity, he stormed out and called me stupid. lol.

David: You should've yelled out 'Oh yeah? Gaylord!"
Kellie: or 'nooo, you're stupid!'

Next time...

for sure.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Greetings From San Diego

So I randomly decided to drive down to San Diego...

...that's all for now.

see you later Blogspot.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Jen-O!

Today is my friend Jen-O's birthday.
Happy Birthday Jen-O!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Retiring my old Header

Time to bring in the new Robot of 2009!

goodbye old Robot of 2008...

You will be missed...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fargo and Barack Obama

I watched Fargo for the first time today. GASP!

I like it when people gasp at you for never seeing a certain movie.

GASP! You haven't seen that movie?

I think everyone knows what I'm talking about. I've gasped at people too. We all do it, and we're all victims of it.

GASP! You haven't seen Star Wars??? (Jennifer Park tsk tsk...)

So I finally watched Fargo... and it was okay.

lol. You know what else I love? I love disappointing the people who gasp at me.

GASP! You haven't seen Fargo??? It's the Coen Brother's best movie!

(The next day) I finally saw Fargo... It was okay...

OKAY??? JUST OKAY??? Your opinion is no longer valid to me for it is not the same as MINE!
(This is of course a dramatization, but sometimes ... it sadly isn't)

(lohl = my mind's response)

Honestly... it was a good movie with no replay value for me. Maybe many years from now, I'll feel like watching it... but that's many years from now.

I think The Big Lebowski is my favorite Coen Brothers movie.
I ordered a White Russian when I was in Vegas just because of that movie. Also, Jeff Bridges is someone I'd like to party with.

Anyway, that's enough on Fargo and mooovie talk.

How are you today? Depending on how you are, I may bake you a cookie. Do I know how to bake cookies? No. But I will bake you one! I won't lie and say that I bake the best cookies for I am not a fraud!

Speaking of frauds... Continental Comics, apparently charged 40 bucks for the Obama Variant of Spiderman #583.

40 BUCKS! I was looking through their one dollar comics, and I overheard the words: "...Obama... Spiderman... sold out!.... 40 bucks"

Just to make sure that I didn't mishear... I asked him: "Are you guys talking about the Obama Variant that came out?"


"Did you just say that it was 40 dollars?"
"yep. And people still bought it and we sold out... There's a sucker born every minute"

That kinda thing ... just creeps me out. How can people live after doing something like that? If I ever made money or gained success through the misfortune or the backstabbing of others, I would not be me, I would be an evil moustached villain with a top hat. bwahaha!

But that's just the world.

David explained how they could make it legit, but that doesn't make it much better. Collector's Paradise was apparently selling it for $14.99. That's reasonable (I guess) for a collectors item as cheesy as that one apparently was... but 40 DOLLARS??? I hope a derelict, bearded man takes a dump in their store and gives them all hepatitis. For which they will have to pay 40 dollars to get treated...

Barack Obama will save our economy by printing his face on everything.

Good Night Blogspot.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good Day

I had a good day today. I expect the remainder of the week to go downhill from this point on. lol That's what I would say if I were a negative person. But that just isn't me! =]]]

Thank you BonniE for the WALL-E~!!!

So as far as updates go... Things I didn't post and I will now just bulletpoint:
  • Turning 21 and making my first alcoholic beverage purchase: A 6 pack of Monty Python's Holy Grail Ale.
  • 21st Birthday in Vegas at the Venetian with Ray, Davis, Peter, and Eddy...
highlights of Vegas...

The only one I can think of was the morning we had to check out.

Let me skip to ME at the End of this story:

The Beginning:
So we woke up at around 10AM and wanted to sleep in a little more, so the guys had me call the desk for a later check out. I picked up the phone, and couldn't hear anything... so I pressed Line 1, and I heard a dial tone, but it was on speaker. This frustrated me because I didn't want it on speakerphone. So I tried hanging up by putting the handset back, and it did nothing.

It was as if it were a mere piece of plastic shaped like a phone... there just for decoration... mocking me. I then noticed that the handset was not connected to the actual phone. But the handset didn't have any buttons on it... If it were wireless, it'd have buttons! There was no cord. There was nothing. I decided to try the phone in the bathroom. Why there would be a phone right next to the toilet is beyond me, but anyway.

I go to the bathroom, and again; the handset isn't connected to the phone. When I pick it up, I hear nothing, and again it does the speakerphone thing! So I'm still a little gone mentally and I go back to the phone next to the bed. My friends are asking me why such a simple task is taking me so long. The frustration is growing within me. I pick up the phone again, and say screw it.
Speakerphone is fine. Let's just get this done.

I press Line 1...

I hear a dial tone....

...I press a button that says Front Desk. That sounds about right...

It rings...

"Hello Mr. Ahn, How can I help you today?"

I think to myself: Cool, they like... know my name...
After last night I'm really out of it so I speak REALLY loud into the phone for some stupid reason that makes sense only to my cracked out tired mind.


Ray: "Dude, don't say that, they'll charge us more! Ask for a late check out!"


Woman at the Front Desk: "Hello? Mr. Ahn? Can you hear me?"

"HELLO! CAN YOU HEAR ME? dude, this phone is retarded!"

W.a.t.F.D.: I think my headset is broken, I'm going to call you back.

"Oh My GOD!"

Eddy: Dude... what's going on?

We get a call back....


W.a.t.F.D.: Hello? Can you hear me?

Everyone but me: yeah.


W.a.t.F.D.: ...I can hear you Mr. Ahn.

Truly one of my dumbest moments.
It's good to be 21.

Back to the bulletpoints!
  • Christmas with relatives I haven't seen in like 10 years.
  • Relatives introducing themselves to me because they don't recognize me. To be fair, they haven't seen me in like 10 years, but it was still pretty funny. "We thought you were just some random asian guy!"
  • New Years Kickball!
  • My New Years Resolution! I need to not laugh at people getting hurt. If I ever have a kid... I'm screwed. Kids fall down and hurt themselves all the time. If in the future you see me crying after my kid falls and totally eats it. No wait, I said that wrong. In the future, after my kid falls and totally eats it, I'll be holding back my laughter and crying from the pain of not being able to laugh. God help me...
  • LISTS!!!!
So I saw that Kellie had a list of highlights of 2008. I thought I'd steal her idea kinda...

Movies of 2009!



I haven't seen any new movies that were released in 2009....

I saw The Machinist? on dvd... It was okay....

Music of 2009!

for Liz =]


  • Sharon Panis = Best customer name of 2009
  • Japanese Photobooth day with Sandra and Kellie
  • Today. January 14th. Why? ....
I'll post about today-- later. I'm the worst.
oy, It's really been a month... -_- but I is tired.

Much thanks to Kellie and Bonnie.
and many apologies to Kellie and Bonnie.
Good Night Blogspot

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Post of the New Year!

... done on January 8th.


And may I begin by saying, my GOD! I have not posted since December WHAT??

Postscript January 14th:
I had SO much to post, but I didn't wanna make a super long post.
So instead, I posted nothing
and that makes me laugh.