The final Post in this series of posts is finally here!!! Prepare the confetti!!! ---But before you do...
I'm afraid I have to start off with a depressing note. The very (VERY) talented and the very (VERY) loved Michael Turner, is dead. =[
... And I don't know how to transition into the rest of my post, so I'll just jump right into it.
Remember to look for vandalism/doctoration of the photos.
I got to meet Doug Benson! Don't know who he is? Just know that he's a funny guy.
So Samuel L. Jackson played a white guy in Iron Man? That man is a chameleon!
"It was EXACTLY like the graphic novel!" "OMG I know! It was exactly like the graphic novel!" "I agree! It was exactly like in the graphic novel!"
"... I thought it was nothing like the graphic novel"
Sometimes I wish that Michael Bay did a Transformers movie with cardboard Transformers.
Triana Orpheus makes me blush every time.
V for Vendetta on diet and exercise.
So if you haven't read Y: The Last Man, you're totally missing out. Pia Guerra was so nice! And she drew me an Ampersand in my yearbook! =]
I hate it when this happens... and it happens more than it should.
Took this picture for Jen-O, because it reminded me of her.
I tried to count how many Leia's I saw at the Con, but...
yeah... I lost count after a while.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm at the end of the post!!!
THANK YOU Morgan! For driving, and for the good times. Overall, the weekend was a success. It was exhausting, but it was a success. I'm just glad I got to go with fun people. Like Tom! whom I never knew before this, but was a very cool guy.
So that's it for the Con posts! Hope you had fun looking for things in my photos. Good Night!
Continuing from Part 1, I've vandalized every picture that I will post today (unless it's a picture of an autograph). So click on the pictures to make them bigger and try to spot the doctored parts of my photos from The CON. Some are easy, others are a little tougher to find. Enjoy! =]
The Freakazoid!/Tiny Toons panel!
Bruce Timm: I'm sorry, what is this I'm signing? Paul Dini: You want me to sign your yearbook? Are you sure? Sherri Stoner: Sure I'll sign your yearbook! What a neat idea!
And it did turn out to be a neat idea! It was a lot of fun getting my high school yearbook signed.
Of course, none of these photos are gonna have doodles by me, but people enjoyed vandalizing my memories.
Geof Darrow asked me to give him the AV Club page to sign because he didn't get to be in his AV Club back when he was in school, but we couldn't find the page. While we were flipping through my yearbook, he saw the Anime Club and yelled: "I want to sign on the Anime Club! That's another good one..."
On the last day of The Con, I got Dave Gibbons to sign my copy of The Watchmen and then I asked if he could sign my yearbook...
Dave Gibbons: Sure! Where do I-- just anywhere? Just sign it then? ...Oh my Goodness! Is Geof here?? Me: Yeah! He's at his booth! He's a funny guy! Dave Gibbons: Yes! Yes he is! He really is! I'll have to go see him!
Doug TenNapel: (As he's crossing out the name) I'm stealing his DNA...
Doug TenNapel was one of the highlights of the weekend for sure. On top of getting my yearbook signed by him, I got to read and flip through his new graphic novel that he's not even finished with! I told him about how Earthboy Jacobus was in my top 10 favorite graphic novels, and then I showed him my phone background (it's a picture of Jacobus) and when I did, he pulled out this thick stack of papers which turned out to be an unfinished project he was working on. I wanted to die. T_T The thing was stapled together and it was almost 2 inches thick! If he's not finished, and it's already that many pages... then wow... Bryan, I wish you were there for that! Next year you better go!
I saw Brian Wood... almost every day that I was in San Diego and he was the most excited about my idea for getting people to sign my yearbook. When I showed him Doug TenNapel's page, his eyes lit up and he really wanted to sign! It was awesome. He scanned the page looking for a good face to draw on, and then he spent another 10 seconds thinking about what to do to the face.
So Kellie told me that I need to bring my yearbook every year to The Con, and I think I'll agree with her. It's a good tradition that I've conjured up. =]
The creators of another favorite series of mine: FABLES!!! Mark Buckingham was funny because he asked (jokingly of course) if he would get into any legal trouble by signing on people's faces.
Brian Azzarello was awesome. I'm so glad I gave him the Principal's Message page because... just look at it! That's gold right there. ...How many M's are in the word Amount?
So I have a few more yearbook signatures, but I'll save those for Part 3. Moving on to the final stretch of Part 2! Don't forget to look for the vandalism!
The Ghosts at The Con were sobusted... (HA HA HA! I crack myself up...)
Jabba the Hutt is a lot skinnier in person.
This was one of the best Joker costumes we saw during the 5 days.
And... I guess I'll end today with one last picture and a letter to someone who may or may not read this blog. Good Night blogspot!
Dear David B,
If you're reading this, then you already know... I'm still not watching The Hulk.
So this'll mainly be a picture post because I don't feel like typing too much today...
...but I feel like doodling! So all the pictures I will post today will have some form of vandalism. Have fun looking through and finding my little drawings! Click on the photos to make them bigger and I promise you that every picture will have some form of vandalism on them. =]
I saved up that much money for Comic Con? You've got to be joking... (HA HA HA! Do ya get it??)
Becky Cloonan & Brian Wood = Good Times
Brian Azzarello didn't let me stroke his goatee so I settled on taking a picture with him.
Bill Willingham? Who's Bill Willingham?? THAT is Bill Willingham. And he's the man.
I didn't vandalize this picture, but Mark Buckingham and Bill Willingham scribbled all over my Fables #8... those bastards.
I didn't vandalize this one either, but Dave Gibbons did. He was very British.
Star Wars Day!
"Blacker than the blackest black... times infinity!" -Nathan Explosion
I told you to call him DOCTOR Jones...
She may have a huge gash on her head, but she just saved a ton on car insurance.
Brock was nowhere to be seen...
After showing him my Killinger Wallet, he told me I waz ze magic man...
... and indeed, the magic was in me all along. No vandalism from me in this one as well, but Jackson Publick and Michael Sinterniklaas tagged up my wallet!
So I guess I'll end Part 1 of the Comic Con post with one more Venture Brothers themed picture:
Check my blog again for scans from my Yearbook, more funny costume people, and of course, more vandalism in Part 2 of the Comic-Con Post!
Hello BLOG! I haven't seen you for a while... but Hey! How've you been? I've missed ya.
So the Comic Con, is in 2 days! woot woot!
Next month in San Francisco: Radiohead & Beck in concert, and I can't make it! I have some responsibilities that run into the day of the concert. *shrug* Oh well... not a huge loss because I'm actually looking forward to next month. Busy days = happy days.
This is going to be another short post I'm afraid, for I have work in an hour. So to close...
I may not be going to the Radiohead concert next month, but I'll end with posting a really sweet performance by them. Please click it and watch! You won't regret it; I promise. The first 30 seconds is the best. Enjoy the crap in your pants you'll surely have to take care of.
Today I was cleaning out my room and I found some old drawings I did. So I decided to scan some and fix them up. Just for fun.
Yesterday I posted up an old Batman drawing I did. Funny story behind that one was that I was trying to draw a realistic Batman with a Jim Lee sketch as a reference picture, and I made his head too fat. But instead of erasing him, I decided to just run with it, and I think it turned out okay. It got lots of smiles. And speaking of Batman!
The Dark Knight... was good! That's all I'm gonna say because I don't wanna hype it up too much for anyone who hasn't seen it. If you haven't seen it, make sure you aren't too tired because the movie is 2.5 hours, and don't drink plenty of fluids. I would love to talk more about it, but why post it on a blog, when I can discuss it with you in person? Didn't become my favorite movie of all time as I predicted in the previous post, but it was still good and worth a watch.
One thing I will talk about and hype up, because there's no harm in doing it, is the WATCHMEN trailer! They showed it before The Dark Knight, and I ... --it gave me a nerd boner. I guess I'll end it with that uncomfortably funny sentence. WAIT!
Here's another drawing! You're either gonna hate it, love it, ... or think it's okay.
What a weird blog post this has turned out to be...
I'll come back with more blog after I watch this soon to be favorite movie of mine. At work today, I rang up the entire population of ASIA. They all bought bookmarks. It was very strange.
anyhooo! Hey... thanks for reading! I'll see you later... 0_0
Wow... so it's been over a month since my first post. I really suck at blogging. A lot has happened in a month, but I won't go into it because right now I feel like talking about Captain Planet.
Kellie and I were talking about it briefly (after the Borders Adventure to K-Town starring: Myself, Bonnie, My Cousin Jason, Kellie, Kennya, Preston!, and Terin) and it really was the cartoon of our generation. I'm gonna say it, and Kellie'll back me up!
...Okay, she might not back me up on it, but hey! That show was awesome! Captain Planet... was a superhero that was summoned by 5 rings that were given to 5 random "young people" from around the world by Whoopi Goldberg (who did the voice acting for Gaia).
But that's not all! Try to kill him with a giant robotic monster drill made out of diamonds, and he'll laugh at you and tell you it tickles. Throw some "toxic waste" on his chest, and he'll fall to his knees and lose all of his powers... wait, what? So if a monkey threw some stanky poop on him, he would die? game over?...
... yes.
But of course, the Planeteers are always around to clean the poop off him and the sun is always there to recharge him... because in the end, it was a show for kids. And a hero dying is not for kids. Look at Superman! He would never die! .... Superman died? Bad example. Batman! Batman is an idea! He lives forever! They would never kill Batman! ... crap, they've killed Batman too... I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I want to see Captain Planet die. He's become an obscure pop culture reference, but they should find a way to bring him back into popularity, and kill him... with a robot made of poop.
It'd be kinda funny if they dug this show back up and revamped it like they've been doing with the Transformers, and all those cartoons from the 80s. (Voltron the movie! 2010... no joke) When're they gonna revamp the 90s cartoons?! Bucky O'Hare the movie! (I don't expect anyone to remember that one... but if you remember it, you're my best friend... and I love you) ... that last part in the parenthesis was kinda awkward... I meant to say: ...and I love you in an uncomfortably sexual way. ...moving on
It's fun to look back on cartoons we thought were genuinely entertaining, only to find out that years later, they'd turn out to be a joke... One of my most prized possessions was an issue of the Captain Planet comic book. I still have it. It's issue number 5, and I just bought a scanner, so I'm totally gonna scan it and post it.... now!: Look at him, with his green mullet, and the trail of glittery stars he leaves behind as he flies around that giant golden robot. Michael Bay should totally direct this movie. It would make a million dollars. one million dollars.
Well, I guess I'll end it with that. No wait, Kevin emailed me this random video (that's perfect for this blog post today) so I'm gonna end with that instead. enjoy.